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Water Patrol Starts Today

Please be advised ... our water patrol will begin today to ensure compliance with the current Stage 2 watering restrictions. Please check your irrigation systems to ensure they are set to water your lawn only one day per week according to your address and only during the time period allowed. Any customers found in violation may receive up to a $1,000 fine. This restriction applies to any type of sprinkler system. Hand watering does not fall under the restrictions.


Your watering day is according to the last digit of your address. Addresses ending in:

1 & 3 water on Monday 

2 & 4 water on Tuesday 

5 & 7 water on Wednesday 

6 & 8 water on Thursday

9 & 0 water on Friday

Commercial properties and HOAs water on Saturday 

No Watering on Sunday

Watering times are only between 6am - 10am and 7pm - 10pm.